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Automotive Designer: How to Start a Career in Automotive Design

We all love flashy automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, buses, coaches and vans and want to own them. But with Automotive Design training, we can also be involved in making them. Read on to learn more about how to start a career in Automotive Design.
What is Automotive Design?

Automotive Design is largely concerned with the development of road vehicles. Automotive designers handle the visual appearance or aesthetics of vehicles and contribute to the creation of concepts for vehicles. Automotive designers create exterior designs, interior designs, as well as color and trim designs of vehicles.
What are the Educational Requirements for an Automotive Designer?

To understand the role and context of automobile form development and representation, a student needs to get college training in Automotive Design.

For instance, a Bachelor of Science degree in Automotive Design offers various courses oriented around the automobiles design process. Students learn how to sketch and make three-dimensional representations of automobile designs using a wide range of tools. They combine their artistry with cutting-edge digital tools to make 3D and sculptural models of vehicles and hone their visual senses, constructional understanding and other design skills that come in handy in Automotive Design. Students also learn other key aspects of Automotive Design like styling and ergonomics.
What is the Occupational Outlook for an Automotive Designer?

Automotive Designers literally put us on the road with style. They are responsible for the style, function, quality, and safety of automobiles and other aspects that make driving pleasurable. Designers employed by large corporations, manufacturing establishments or design firms generally work in well-lighted and comfortable settings and keep regular hours, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, The Bureau also notes that employers increasingly expect new designers to know how to use computer-aided design software.

Because tastes can change rapidly, designers need to be well read, open to new ideas and influences, and quick to react to changing trends. More and more design work is being performed overseas, but most design jobs-in particular those not related to a highly technological design of a product -will still remain in the U.S. because design is essential to a firm's success, and firms still want to retain control over the process of design.

Recommended Schools :

Westwood College

Universal Technical Institute

Lincoln Tech

Lincoln College of Technology

New Castle School of Trades

Nashville Auto-Diesel College

New England Institute of Technology

Penn Foster Career School

Ashworth College

Stratford Career Institute


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