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Eco-Friendly Laptop


Bamboo Laptop

The Asus Eco Notebook is an environmentally friendly laptop, which not only looks great but is made from mainly recyclable parts. The outside of the computer is made from bamboo which gives it a very unique and special appearance.

Bamboo Desktop The Bamboo Ecobook computer is lined with cardboard and made from recyclable plastic. No sprays or paints have been used on the laptop, and there is no electroplating on any of its components. The laptop offers easy upgrading of parts and replacements under guarantee. It features all the modernity of a normal laptop with the added bonus of being environmentally friendly at the same time. Asus also offer an eco-friendly desktop.
Asus is leading the way with their product which is due to be released by next year. They are doing what they can to promote sustainability while offering a great technological product.


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