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How to draw a cat - Let's get started!

pvdesigns ,

The basic shapes for this drawing are two: A circle for the head and a rough and elongated oval for the body. When you draw the oval try to keep the left side (that will be the belly) flat while instead adding a bit of curvature to the right side.

Removed the basic shapes let's work on the posture of our cat. Sketch in the front legs (really a simple line) and the hind legs. Well, only one hind dleg is visible with this pose. All lines in this drawing should be very smooth. Remember that the cat has a smooth body shape and we should try to keep this feeling in our drawing.

Draw a croos also over the "will be" face. The cross will help you place eyes, nose and mouth.

How to draw a cat - Overall shapes

A couple of more basic elements will definitely shape our drawing. I am talking of the ears (very important for a cat) and the evermoving tail.

Cats have excellent hearing and can detect an extremely broad range of frequencies. They can hear higher-pitched sounds than either dogs or humans, detecting frequencies from 55Â Hz up to 79Â kHz, a range of 10.5Â octaves; while humans can only hear from 31Â Hz up to 18Â kHz, and dogs hear from 67Â Hz to 44Â kHz.

Cats do not use this ability to hear ultrasound for communication but it is probably important in hunting since many species of rodents make ultrasonic calls. Cats' hearing is also extremely sensitive and is among the best of any mammal.

This sensitivity is further enhanced by the cat's large movable outer ears (their pinnae), which both amplify sounds and help a cat sense the direction from which a noise is coming

Time has come to sketch in the basic elements of the face. Please use a lot of reference material for this. Google cat and find out what's special about the face of these animals. Also start adding a hint of fur here and there to get a feeling for the final result already.

In the next two steps we'll define shapes a little bit better and we'll start removing the biggest construction lines. Also put a bit of effort in drawing proper front legs and add even more fur. Remember it is important not to draw every single hair, just give the impression the body is covered by hairs.

Keep removing construction lines. Time to start adding a few details.

How to draw a cat - Complete the drawing

At this stage is very important you removed all the construction lines and achieve the smothness in the various body parts.

As you can see here a few details have been added and fur has been added all around the body line. A little bit of fur also on top of the hind leg and around the neck.

The trick to draw convincing fur is to shadow with the pencil following the direction of the fur. So start adding shadows here and there, try to imagine how the fur would run on the particular patch of the body. Do not be afraid of experimenting, the eraser is your companion here!

Once you are happy with the shadows you have sketched in try to consolidate them. Mark harder with your pencil, do not be afraid. Increase the contrast of the image.

How to draw a cat - The finished result!

Final touches are obvously the whiskers, some more brushing undesidered marks away with the eraser and consolidating the siluette of the cat. This is amazing drawing!!

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